Thursday, December 11, 2014

An Hour of Code: Learning a new technology skill

Our technology guru, Mrs. Wiseman, and her buddy, Sammy the Techno Elf, visited C-3 on Wednesday.  The students learned how to write code to move their Angry Bird around a matrix and get his target, the pig.

WOW!  What an awesome job!  The students are so excited about their new knowledge.  Who knows, this may be the beginning of a technology career for one of the students.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

On Monday, the entire second grade took a trip to McBee, SC to visit the McLeod Farms' Pumpkin Patch.  What a perfect day!  The air was cool, the sun was warm, and the students were excited by every new tidbit of knowledge.  We had a super day!  Enjoy the pictures under the field trip tab.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Well, it's Monday, October 6, 2014, and I cannot believe we have been in school for over 30 days.  We are learning so much, but there is sooooo much more to learn!

This blog-thing is new for me.  I hope to keep my parents aware of what we are doing in class and showcase some of the students' work.

Happy Monday!